Thursday, January 21, 2010


Its the first time that I sit and write an obituary. Its the first time that I should write an obituary.

The loss itself is so big that I can never put it in words. Its a void which can (i guess) filled by none. I still remember the first time I saw you and immediately at that moment I said to myself,"this is it. what I have been searching for, I have finally found" It wasn't easy but still decided to take up the challenge and woo you & ultimately the day did come when I could hold you in my hands!

Acceptance and appreciation, were not in shortage when you were around. I looked at the world in a different colour through you. You shaded me at times when it was unbearable. Silently, being with you boosted my confidence. There were innumerable times when you protected me from prospective injuries and I failed a couple of times when I had to. But trust me when I say, when you were hurt, so were I.

This time too I failed. Failed, miserably! I didn't have my attention on you and the moment came which could have been avioided, but if only for my forgetfulness. I cannot say I left you behind or you left, both of them mean the same pain, which can never be erased.

I will miss you my darling!

Polaroid Sunglasses (February 2008- January 2010)


Vishal Desai said...

It was always about you wasn't it. It was me who bore the brunt of the ever so glowing sun.It was your sweat wasn't it that when disappeared into a million droplets of deci millimitre radius in the hot air of Mumbai, left a patch. Others laughed as you did not care about me.I was named PolK-aroid..:'( :'(...sniff sniff

With no hair ..I was the one shielding your eyes, not only from photon bursts but also from the deadly concoction of water and salt,,some dead skins too, that rolled down your shiny head on to your eyelids , whilst halting momentarily on your eyebrows.

Don't give me that "it was my fault"..its me this time. I am happy .. I left you ungrateful bald sweating was me...
I now rest on the nose well protected with his hairdo,,,giving him more pleasure in the bylanes of dharavi with every girl giving him more attention than a mere bitch (no metaphors the actual one I mean) would ever give you..

I am happy and if you ever loved should be happy to..

yours Polly now the property of ranga raju

Vipin said...

Thanks for a creative reply VD! :D